Baby: 9-Month Milestone Update For Baby E
9 Month Milestone Update
I am trying my best to hold it together. The fact that Baby E will be 12 months old in just 3 months puts me in my feelings.
I don’t know if it is because this year has been a complete whirlwind or time is playing with my emotions. Either way, I am happy and sad about Baby E growing up. Although she wasn’t planned, she was just what our family needed. We can not even imagine life without her.
Every time I look at her, I thank God for choosing me to be her mother. It reminds me of just how much He loves me despite all my imperfections. Today, I’m going to share some of the milestones that she has achieved and what we are looking forward to over the next few months.
What Milestones Has Baby E Achieved This Month?
- She has learned to clap her hands
- Says Ma-Ma, Da-Da, Na-Na, and many other sounds
- Leans in for a kiss or a snuggle
- Baby E will raise her hand for you to give her kisses or a high-five
- Her 1st cousin was born this month! (more to come on that story)
She still has not started to crawl yet. A part of me is concerned because C was walking at 9 months. However, I understand that every baby is different and they will develop at their own pace. It still doesn’t help my nerves though. One thing that she loves to do is roll over back and forth. I think she really gets a kick out of it.
Another thing that I have observed about her is that she loves to be outside. She will sit outside with me on the back patio for hours. I love it because I have my very own “patio partner”. Nothing will get past her because she is a “Nosey Rosey” and doesn’t miss a thing. It is so funny to watch because she will literally lean over just to see what is going on.
This month she will also receive her next round of vaccinations. So there is a lot going on with Baby E this month. I am just thankful to be present to watch her explore, learn, and grow.
What milestones did your baby achieve at 9 months? Let me know in the comments below!
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