5 Key Benefits of Working Remotely for Aspiring Entrepreneurs
As an aspiring entrepreneur, you likely have several plates in the air. You may be working your 9-5 job, and juggling family and home responsibilities while trying to get your business off the ground. Working outside of the office remotely can have profound benefits for both yourself and your employer. It is also more conducive to work-life balance. If you’re looking to build your side hustle, here are 5 key benefits of working remotely for aspiring entrepreneurs.
Greater Flexibility to Deal With Real Life
Chances are if you’re working in a corporate environment, your time is not your own. You are at the mercy of the office schedule. This means reporting to work at a set time, clocking in and out, and taking breaks on the company’s schedule. For most people, this is challenging, even if they’re not aspiring entrepreneurs working on their own side hustle. The inflexibility of most corporate offices leaves little flexibility for the regular day-to-day issues that arise like scheduling doctor’s appointments or the emergency school nurse’s office pickup. The days of catering to a typically male-dominated workforce are slowly going away. Employers understand that parents of both sexes are fully invested in their families and their children’s lives. Flexibility is key.
As a result, this flexibility can greatly decrease stress levels. Slipping out of the office for a few hours to tend to a family issue brings with it feelings of guilt as though we’ve somehow let our coworkers down. This guilt can cause stress which can greatly reduce our productivity, creativity, and drive. Without those three things, the motivation to work on our entrepreneurial goals can fall by the wayside.
Better Opportunities to Build Relationships
A strict 9-5 schedule leaves little time for networking outside the office. In years past, many businesses would encourage key players to attend networking events. These after-hours events, however, cut into workers’ off time, making it difficult for those with families and obligations outside the office, to thrive. Working remotely has drastically changed the game when it comes to building relationships and networking. With more time during the day for collaborations, aspiring entrepreneurs can schedule meet-ups around their productive ‘work time’ and family time. This flexibility has been paramount to the success of entrepreneurs looking to build and grow their brand.
A Larger Pool to Pull From
One of the most notable key benefits of working remotely for aspiring entrepreneurs is the vast pool of candidates you can bring into your business simply because region and location are irrelevant. Remote work allows workers from all over the world to apply for opportunities anywhere in the world. Technology has made us a more uniform society in that we have access to so many people, at any given time of the day. This is a key benefit for entrepreneurs who need to fill roles within their own up-and-coming business. In the past, if you were located on the East Coast and wanted to bring people on, you needed to look locally so you could meet with them to determine whether or not they were a fit. With email, Zoom, and task-software like Slack, we’re able to work with anyone, anywhere in the world in seemingly real-time.
Overhead Costs are Greatly Reduced
Piggy-backing off the aforementioned reason why working remotely is important for entrepreneurs; being able to work with anyone in the world, another key benefit is that working remotely is inexpensive. Remote workers don’t have the added expense of paying for co-working spaces (unless they want to). They don’t have to gather in person or team meetings over coffee or lunch. Expenses are greatly reduced when everything is done remotely.
Remote work allows everyone to save on transportation costs, meals, and going back to the first point, allows for a better work-life balance. The last year of lockdown during the global pandemic has also allayed fears as well. In the past employers would have assumed that remote workers are not productive. 2020 taught us that is not the case. Remote workers are productive. Remote workers, working a 9-5 job and working their side-hustle, are also productive. There is space and time for everything when we’re not shuffling to and from the office during an hour-long commute.
Someone is Usually Always Available
From a business standpoint, the flexibility in hours that working remotely provides is truly a valued commodity. If you’ve hired a team to help manage your start-up and they’re spread out across the coasts, you’ve got a built-in, round-the-clock, business.
Team members on the East Coast are available in the early morning hours. Team members on the West Coast are available beyond regular business hours. There’s always coverage when your remote workers are spread out across the country and internationally. This is a win for your business and yet another key benefit of working remotely for spring entrepreneurs. Your business is poised to handle inquiries at all hours of the day. Quicker responses mean better customer service and ultimately more sales for your business.
There will always be ups and downs in business, especially for entrepreneurs. These key benefits of working remotely translate well for aspiring entrepreneurs across the board. Whether you’re still working a 9-5 job or you’ve left corporate America. The flexibility that remote work affords both the employee with a side hustle is immense. The full-on entrepreneur views remote work as unparalleled. After the year we’ve had, expect remote work to continue. While some industries may soon head back into the office, now that we’ve had our taste of freedom from the cubicle, some of us aren’t going back.
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