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 How to Stay Motivated as an Entrepreneur and Grow Your Business


The decision to step out of the norm and start your own business is a bold path to take. Only true visionaries can see the potential when starting from scratch. Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart. It is filled with ups and downs. Sometimes you will be so on top of your game, that it will feel as though nothing can stop you. Other times, it will feel that for every step forward you make in your business, you find yourself two steps behind. It is in the challenging times though that moving forward takes immense grace and confidence because often it’s easier to just go back to your comfort zone. When you do find yourself stuck in your business, there are ways to build yourself back up. Here are a few ways to stay motivated as an entrepreneur.

Be Intentional With Your Time and Set Boundaries When Necessary

If you’re wondering how to stay motivated as an entrepreneur yet find yourself spending time scrolling through Facebook or doom-scrolling on Twitter, it’s time to make a change. According to motivational speaker, Jim Rohn, we are the sum total of the five people we spend the most time with. On the internet this means, choosing to spend your online time in motivational spaces perhaps through mastermind or coaching groups, is a better choice than an online space full of negativity. Setting boundaries around what you allow into your life is the first step in staying motivated as an entrepreneur.

Entrepreneurs sometimes get caught up in the day-to-day tasks. Many feel they need to be responsible for every aspect of their business. The truth of the matter though is that to stay motivated as an entrepreneur, it is sometimes necessary to take a step back. Some tasks can be outsourced.  This allows you to spend more time working on what you enjoy and what you excel at. It also provides an opportunity for you to be the face of your business. You can network with your community build and grow your business. This allows you to leave some tasks to those who can perform them faster and more efficiently.

How to Stay Motivated as an Entrepreneur: Know Yourself and Your Strengths

Know your strengths and weaknesses. Staying motivated as an entrepreneur depends on being able to step outside of the moment. It’s necessary to be able to analyze people and situations with an open perspective. If you’re self-aware enough to know that you don’t do well with criticism, understanding this ahead of time, before putting yourself out there, you may be better prepared to separate your sense of self from the criticism itself. Building a business means being able to accept the good and the bad and understanding that many times, it’s not personal, it’s just business.

Part of knowing yourself is understanding that you are not your business. This is often a difficult concept to grasp for many entrepreneurs because they tend to brand themselves as their business. When this occurs, it’s difficult to separate your personal life from your work life, but separating the two is necessary. Be open to taking breaks and setting regular business hours so that your personal life and work-life don’t overlap. This may prove difficult, especially when first launching your business, but making it a habit from the beginning will set you up for future entrepreneurial success.

Focus on One Thing at a Time to Stay Motivated as an Entrepreneur

Many times entrepreneurs will tout the fact that they have several streams of income. They glorify building several income streams at one time. The problem with this arises when they spend too much time dabbling in a little bit of everything. It’s easy to spread yourself so thin that you don’t put enough time and energy into one thing to get it off the ground and running. A better strategy, and one that would help keep you motivated, is to work one income stream until it takes off for you. Build one stream until it’s successful and only then, move on to another income stream. Doing too much, too quickly as an entrepreneur is the fastest way to burnout.

This is not to say that diversifying your income potential is frowned upon, that is the furthest thing from the truth. Multiple income streams are something entrepreneurs should aspire to. The issue is focusing on too many things, too fast and too soon in your business. Build one, let it grow and once it’s successful, then move on to begin building your next income stream.

Remove What Is Not Working in Your Business

Sometimes we come to realize that what we were so excited about in our business, just isn’t working. It could be that a product is just not a good fit for your audience, other times it could just be that we outgrow where we thought we were in our entrepreneurial journey. Whatever the reason, it is ok and even recommended, to take a step back. This is a time to reevaluate and if necessary, remove certain things from your business. If they’re not working for you, or your audience, remove them. Staying motivated is about keeping the energy and momentum going. If there’s an aspect of your business that is holding you back, that can stagnate you and your energy. Let it go and move on to something more aligned with where you are in your business.

Finally, when figuring out how to stay motivated as an entrepreneur, the most important aspect of all is understanding that every business is different, every person is different. Knowing what your goals are, and of course your why, is the best starting point to help you determine which of the above-referenced ideas will work best in your given situation.


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