7 Tips You Need To Know When Conducting Virtual Meetings
Virtual Meetings
Who would have ever thought that conducting virtual meetings and conversations would become our “new normal”? But here we are. More and more, there are more people jumping online to connect with loved ones and to conduct business meetings.
With virtual interactions and meetings becoming a part of our daily routines, I was inspired to write and share a post with “7 Tips for Conducting Virtual Meetings.” These tips are geared more towards those who are now exclusively working from home when they were used to going into an office. BONUS: Gearing up for a virtual job interview? These tips can help you, too.
One great thing about getting comfortable with these types of meetings is you become more comfortable in front of the camera instead of behind it. In my field of work, we have to interact with our customers face to face.
Online meetings have been challenging but, with using these tips, it has become easier to conduct them. For example, in my profession, customers appreciate us making the effort to be a resource to help them in managing their patients and staff.
7 Tips For Conducting Professional Virtual Meetings
1. Put your cell phone on silent.
- This is just a matter of basic professionalism. To be the safe side, turn it off and leave it in another room.
2. Focus your eyes on the camera and not your screen.
- Just like you would during an in-person interview, you want to make eye contact. Looking into the camera will have the same effect.
3. Use hand gestures to emphasize points but …
- Avoid pointing, waving frantically, or crossing your arms. Look at yourself in the mirror and practice to see what you actually look like when you are answering questions.
4. Use confident body posture.
- Sit up straight when talking and try sitting closer to the edge of your chair.
- Keep your shoulders back and relaxed.
5. Position your camera correctly.
- Elevate your camera on a stand, box, or books (if you don’t own a tripod).
- Have an appropriate distance between you and the camera — not too close but not too far.
6. Have good lighting.
- Use natural light when possible.
- The light should be in front of you if possible.
7. Watch your background. Keep it simple, non-distracting, and professional.
- A solid background in your home office or living room, or even sitting in front of solid-colored curtains, will create a professional atmosphere without being distracting.
Have you participated or conducted your own virtual meeting? Please share your tips below!

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