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Hello World! Baby Brown Has Arrived-Our Birth Story


FINALLY! You know what they say… better late than never.

I can’t even believe I am typing this post. Yes, I knew this day would come, but I wasn’t expecting it to come so fast. I guess I can thank the fact that I missed about 3 months of even knowing that I was pregnant with our surprise baby number 3.

37 and Pregnant

I am still in shock that we got pregnant with our third child. Just when “I” thought we were done having kids. One thing is for sure: This pregnancy was different than the others, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.

Today I am sharing Baby Brown’s birth story and my delivery experience. But before you start reading, get rid of any expectations. No matter how much you plan, things will happen. I am just incredibly grateful that Baby Brown is here and healthy!

Hospital Arrival

Bags packed and ready for the hospital. The Friday before my scheduled C-section, I had my pre-op appointment. In my mind, I was prepared. We went through security and made it up to the floor, checked in and waited for my name to be called. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous.

Hello World! Baby Brown Has Arrived-Our Birth Story-Tiffany D. Brown

I was scared, y’all!

Yes, this is my third time, but each time is different. My greatest fear was not the surgery itself but the recovery process. The time had finally arrived. My name was called and I was escorted to the back to prepare for surgery. I have to say the pre-scrubbing process was something I had never experienced before.

A nurse accompanied me in the bathroom as I removed my clothes. I was given a clear hospital bag to put all my belongings in and the nurse wiped my body down with antibacterial wipes. Once completed, she called for my husband to join me and then we were escorted to the triage room and there I was hooked up to the monitor.

The monitor was to keep an eye on the baby’s heart rate, etc. The nurse started the IV and a few moments later, the anesthesiologist came in to review the “what to expect” with me.

Once we got everything signed and situated, I was rolled up to the operating room where I was greeted by 3 techs, the 2 anesthesiologists and 2 doctors. Being that I was considered advanced maternal age, and I have had two previous C-sections, I was to have 2 surgeons present during my operation. One of the surgeons I had met previously (long story). However, I was at peace with my doctor and her experience with these types of surgeries.

The Epidural.

Don’t be fooled. Having an epidural is PAINFUL and scary. You’d be shocked at how fast your lower extremities go numb and you have no control. People have to move your legs for you. Such a weird feeling. After the epidural was done, they placed the catheter.  All vitals were looking good and now it was time for the doctors to make the incision that would bring our baby into the world.


I told you I was scared. Being that my two other children were born in another state (Louisiana) and delivered by the doctor that I LOVED and trusted. This process of a NEW state and a NEW doctor and a NEW hospital had me stressed out and scared. Despite it all, my doctor put me at ease as she talked to me prior to the surgery and during the surgery. They even had music playing in the background. My surgery lasted approximately one hour. The scariest part of the entire process had to be the moment of silence after they had the baby out. You are anxiously waiting for that ONE thing … the baby’s first cry. I said a prayer with my heart literally beating out of my chest … and the doctor said… 

Hello World! Baby Brown Has Arrived-Our Birth Story-Tiffany D. Brown

Hello World! Baby Brown Has Arrived-Our Birth Story-Tiffany D. Brown

Hello World! Baby Brown Has Arrived-Our Birth Story-Tiffany D. Brown

Hello World! Baby Brown Has Arrived-Our Birth Story-Tiffany D. Brown


Then, I heard the most beautiful sound … her crying.

Now if you remember, we decided to wait until the birth of Baby #3 to know the gender. When the time finally came, and the doctor held her up for us to see, I cried. 

I Cried Happy Tears.

All of this time, I thought we would be having another boy. And when I say, “we,” I mean the majority of the people who were guessing the gender! The doctor held her up for us to see and it took me a while to focus and comprehend that I was looking at girly parts. My husband was in shock! We laughed so hard at the fact that we “thought” it was a boy.

As our families were in the hospital lobby patiently waiting to find out our gender, my husband teased them with a picture of the baby’s footprints. Let me tell you … it didn’t go over too well with everyone. The anticipation was killing them. It was hilarious. My husband finally sent the long-awaited text.

It’s a Girl!

Emerson Elise Brown made her debut into the world on November 25, 2019, at 2:19 p.m. (EST) She weighed 6lbs 10oz and was 18 inches long. Funny thing, she weighed the same as her big sister when she was born!



Hello World! Baby Brown Has Arrived-Our Birth Story-Tiffany D. Brown

Hello World! Baby Brown Has Arrived-Our Birth Story-Tiffany D. Brown




What was your birth experience like? Share with us in the comments below!


Big Surprise! We’re Pregnant With Baby Number 3!

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  1. Jazmín says:

    Aww beautiful Emerson! Welcome into this crazy and beautiful world. You are part of a beautiful crew. Girl, epidural is no joke! It took forever for them to put it on me due to my body shaking from the nerves and then after I had the worst headache of my life. I too was like, “I don’t hear him!” when he came out & a second later there was Sammy screaming his heart out. All worth it! Hugs!

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