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Podcast: Simple Ways To Maintain A Healthy Work-Life Balance



Podcast: Healthy Work-Life Balance


Have you been struggling with maintaining a healthy balance of work and life? In today’s episode, I will be sharing some simple ways you can find work-life balance. It can be a challenge but it is not impossible!

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About a month or so ago I did a youtube video and I was talking about how I tend to manage and balance everything that I have that goes on in my life because I still work full time in corporate America. But I also have several little mini passion projects or side hustles I guess you could say that helped me to stay creative.

It’s helped me stay grounded in what my passions are.

So again the questions around you. Tiffany how did you manage to keep up with it all working full time. Being a mother of two. Being a wife blogging going to events showing up and being present and you guys it is no easy feat but hopefully, on today’s episode, I want to share some keys to help you determine what will work for you.

work-life balance

We all have been there before. We’ve been there with a struggle of just trying to get through the day and make sure that we accomplish every goal or every to do list. Every task that we have on our planner and sometimes it can be very very difficult. You know a lot of times when it comes to our careers our goals.

It can be challenging because you’re always thinking about the fact of what I have to do at home. You have I to make sure you’re spending time with your family. You have to have some sort of social life and within all of that, you need to find the time to relax. Like seriously. I know. For me, it’s quite rare but I do try to make sure that I take some time to take trips to help me get refocused. Honestly, I think it’s something that we could all try and do.

If you think about work-life balance it may be putting your personal relationships at risk.

Learn how to be present. Leave work at work.

Tune in now to listen to today’s episode on iTunes


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About the Podcast

This show focuses on the professional and personal development of women to help discover their POWER AND PURPOSE. 

This show is for anyone who wants to gain knowledge about business, social media marketing, or real-life struggles. We frequently get wrapped up in our day-to-day challenges - whether it be work, family or otherwise - and we lose sight of what's important.

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Have you been struggling with maintaining a healthy balance of work and life? It can be a challenge but it is not impossible!